The virus that causes cold sores around your mouth can also affect other parts of your body, including your eyes. Ocular herpes can cause serious, permanent damage to your eyes when not treated promptly, and you can develop the condition when your eyes come into contact with a part of your body or someone else's body that's infected with the herpes virus. So, if you a
- If you are experiencing some issues with your vision and are of a certain age, you may worry that you have one of the common eye diseases and will be trying to work things out. You may have heard that both cataracts and macular degeneration can cause blurry vision, and seeing as this is one of your primary symptoms, which one of these illnesses are you likely to have?
- As your gateway to the world, your eyes need a little care to keep thriving. Even if you don't find yourself visiting an optician that often, you should probably take some steps to promote their longevity. Here are some eye care tips your optometrist would recommend you follow. Balance Your Diet Much like other high-functioning areas of your body, your eyes depend on
- Lazy eye is a common condition that children present with when they have their first eye test. The condition, also known as amblyopia, is characterised by one eye having better vision than the other. The brain favours the eye with the better vision and starts to ignore images being sent from the weaker eye. Over time, the weaker eye will stop focusing on what the stro
- Pregnancy is a sensitive time for any mother. There are multiple changes that occur throughout the body, from mood shifts to hormone changes. More hormones flowing in your bloodstream may temporarily affect your vision in subtle ways. For example, you may experience dry eyes, headaches and inflamed eyelids. Most of these conditions go away by themselves. But if they p